
KAMASEAN: Journal of Christian Theology has been published since June 2020 with a frequency of publications 2 times a year (June and December). This journal is managed by the Institute of Research and Community Services (LP2M) and is funded and published by the Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja, Indonesia.

Publication of Articles in English


Para Penulis yang terhormat,

Kami ingin memberitahukan kepada Anda bahwa KAMASEAN: Jurnal Teologi Kristen akan memprioritaskan penerbitan artikel dalam Bahasa Inggris. Penerbitan Volume 4 Nomor 2 pada bulan Desember 2023 dan Volume 5 Nomor 1 pada bulan Juni 2024, masih akan mengakomodasi beberapa naskah dalam bahasa Indonesia. Namun, mulai edisi Desember 2024, semua naskah akan diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Tim editorial akan menghubungi penulis yang telah mengirimkan naskah dalam Bahasa Indonesia agar dapat mengalihbahasakannya ke Bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih.

Salam hangat,
Pemimpin Redaksi


Dear Authors,

We would like to inform you that KAMASEAN: Jurnal Teologi Kristen will prioritize publishing articles in English. The issue of Volume 4 Number 2 in December 2023 and Volume 5 Number 1 in June 2024, will still accommodate some manuscripts in Bahasa. However, starting in the December 2024 issue, all manuscripts will be published in English.
The editorial team will contact authors who have submitted manuscripts in Bahasa so that they can translate the manuscripts into English. Thank you.

Warm regards,
Editor in-Chief

Update of Citation Format


Dear Authors,

We inform authors that starting from Vol. 4, No. 1 (June 2023), this journal uses the Turabian 9th edition (Full Note) as the new citation format. The application of this format is intended to display the DOI number of the journal article when the authors cite it in the manuscript.

We hope that authors will consider this announcement. Thank you.

Editor in Chief

Transfer Copyright


Dear Authors,

We hereby inform you that KAMASEAN: Journal of Christian Theology transfers the copyright of every article published in this journal to the authors starting from volume 3 number 1 (2022).

Editor in Chief